Friday, August 10

CryEngine 3 and Crysis 3

As most of you know, when it comes to graphics Crysis always takes the lead. From the original game and its mixed reactions to their upcoming release, Crysis 3. It seems that when it comes to the PC release those with the high end builds are the only ones to truly experience the full potential of the game. In fact when the first Crysis came out in 2007 the vast majority of PC's, even the ones built for the specific purpose of gaming, fell on their knees at the mere selection of "very high" settings.

The German developer responsible for CryEngine 3 is set to release their latest game with some of the best tech to ever be seen in a game. Some of the technologies explained in their latest Crysis 3 demo will probably sound really cool to the average gamer, though they will probably not truly understand what it all means exactly. But really, who cares? gameplay looks amazing and fun and graphics simply leave you speechless so what else do you need to know?


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